Princess Chukwuocha
1 min read
15 Aug
Untitled By Socket

Year Released: 2024

Genre: Reggae/Rap Fusion

Duration: 5:52

Label: Socket Entertainment

Producer: Socket Entertainment

Engineer: Socket Entertainment


Socket’s latest album, “Untitled,” dives into a raw and unfiltered exploration of personal struggles, societal issues, and a quest for self-identity. Blending elements of reggae and rap, the album’s sound is a unique mix of deep basslines, syncopated rhythms, and introspective lyrics. The overarching theme of the album seems to be Socket’s internal battle with recognition and the constant pressure to prove oneself in a world that often forgets those who struggle the most.

The album opens with a powerful introduction, where Socket immediately sets the tone by addressing his “ops” and those who have doubted him. The lyrics reveal a man grappling with his place in the world, the weight of his past, and the expectations placed upon him. The chorus, “No One, No One / Not A Soul Remembered Me,” repeats like a haunting mantra, emphasizing a deep sense of abandonment and longing for recognition.

As the album progresses, Socket reflects on his journey, from his early days in the streets to his rise as an artist. The verses are filled with vivid imagery, from the “miracle” of surviving tough times to the “puzzle” of life that isn’t so funny when you’re in the thick of it. The line “Life’s A Puzzle, Not So Funny If You Laugh” captures the essence of the album—an introspective look at the challenges that have shaped him.

One of the standout moments is in the track where Socket proclaims, “Hope We All Get To A Better Place.” This song, with its optimistic undertone, acts as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of his struggles. It’s a rallying cry for all who are fighting their own battles, and a reminder that better days might be ahead.

The production of “Untitled” complements Socket’s lyrical content perfectly. The beats are gritty and raw, reflecting the album’s themes of struggle and resilience. The use of reggae rhythms provides a laid-back contrast to the intensity of Socket’s verses, creating a soundscape that is both soothing and unsettling.


“Untitled” by Socket is a raw, honest portrayal of an artist grappling with his place in the world. While it may not have the polish of a major label release, its authenticity and emotional depth make it a compelling listen for fans of reggae and rap alike. Socket’s ability to blend these genres while delivering a powerful message ensures that this album resonates long after the last track fades.

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